One of the greatest fears authors face is that despite their efforts, their book gets wasted for life because of fake Publisher. We provide you the support to overcome your fears and fulfill your dreams
What You Get?
Everything You want
Is Right Here.
Publishing Timeline
Get your manuscript published in just 7-8 days guaranteed.
We design premium book covers from scratch as per market's choice.
get control
Get entire control over how your manuscript looks, it's editing and launch date
Distribution Network
Distribute Internationally on Flipkart, Amazon and the Novel Nuggets online bookstore.

Also As Ebook
Don’t take my word for it. Publish with us and see how this will change your life.
- Ebooks are a convenient and accessible
- Adaptability include links, videos, and audio with the text.
- Readers don’t have to trek to their local bookstore, only to find the title they want is sold-out.
Essential Publishing Plan
Standard Cover Design
Standard Interior Design
ISBN Allocation & Barcode
Supported Book Type: Paperback/Kindle
3 Author Copies*
Distribution on Flipkart, Amazon and the NNPUBL Website
You earn 70% of the Net Profits from your book sales
Automated Sales Dashboard
engage audiences with increased Online Presence

Publish With Us
Novel Nuggets presents products with both strong performance and trendy design in the broad context of e-commerce. We don’t make any fake promises. We provide our authors what we are best at, at a reasonable price.
Quality is something which we never compromise with. Have you checked our published books? I am sure you are gonna fall for our designs.
Let People Know
We step back, look at the bigger picture, and determine the real strategy behind doing a book. We establish clarity of objectives, a budget, and guide the process of turning an idea into a book, and a book into results. From Facebook marketing to designing a video trailer for your book. We will be doing everything to make you a next bestseller.
We provide our authors what we are best at, at a reasonable price.
Company Strengths at a glance
Our Strong Points
Our Purpose is to fill this gap and make authors happy, giving them quality service at the most affordable pricing..
We don’t make any fake promises. We provide our authors what we are best at, at a reasonable price.
Trustworthiness, transparacy & ethics is the backbone of our Organization.
Call Us, Write Us, or Knock on Our Door
We Would Be Happy To Meet You And Learn All About Your Book
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- Monday - Thursday: 11AM - 7PM
- Friday: 11AM - 3PM

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Authors say

They are prompt, friendly and turned my draft into a stunning book in just 5 days. I would recommend everyone to publish with NNPUBL and checkout their amazing work.
Abhishek Ishwar Mohurley
I’ve been helped immensely by publishing with Novel Nuggets. They were fast and professional. I have already signed my next 3 books with them
Lav Kush Sengar